Long Term Telehealth Strategy after the COVID HIPAA Waivers
Patients are going to want to continue with the convenience of telehealth services. Platforms with proper security that comply with HIPAA can be more expensive. Listen to a lecture on the legal rules and walk through a business strategy that works for your organization.
COVID-19 Regulatory Waivers and Compliance Issues.
Updates to Regulatory Waivers and compliance issues linked to COVID-19.
HIPAA Compliance Courses
HIPAA compliance for hospitals
HIPAA compliance for nursing homes
HIPAA compliance for home health agencies
HIPAA compliance for pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies.
HIPAA compliance for pharmacies
HIPAA compliance for business associates – technology vendors, consultants etc.
HIPAA compliance by insurance companies
HIPAA compliance by self-insured employers
HIPAA compliance for technology vendors
HIPAA Security Requirements
Genetic Information Privacy Courses
Compliance by Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing Companies
Compliance with the federal Genetic Information Nondisclosure Act
Compliance with your State’s Genetic Privacy Laws (have each State as a selection)
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Privacy Courses
Compliance with the federal substance abuse law – 42 CFR Part 2
Compliance with the mental health and substance abuse laws of your State (have each State as a selection)
FDA Laws and Regulations Compliance
Clinical Trials and Research
Adulteration and Misbranding
Approval Process for Pharmaceuticals
Approval Process for Biologics
Approval Process for Medical Devices
Fraud and Abuse Laws
a. Compliance with Stark, Antikickback and False Claims Regulations